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单词 pack
verb uk/pæk/ us/pæk/
A2 [ I or T ](把…)打包,收拾(行李
to put something into a bag, box, etc.
We're leaving early tomorrow morning, so you'd better pack (= put clothes and other possessions into suitcases or bags) tonight. 我们明天一大早就要出发,所以你最好今晚就收拾行李。
She packed a small suitcase for the weekend. 她收拾好一小箱行李准备度周末。
He just packed his bags and walked out on his wife and children. 他打点了行囊抛下妻儿离家出走了。
I haven't packed my clothes (= put them into a suitcase, etc.) yet. 我还没收拾衣服呢。
[ + two objects ] Could you pack me a spare pair of shoes, please/pack a spare pair of shoes for me, please? 请你帮我装上一双备用的鞋子,好吗?
These books need to be packed in/into a box. 这些书得装进箱子里。
[ T ]给…裹上保护材料
to put a material around something before putting it into a bag, box, etc. so that it will not break or be damaged
She packed the vase in tissue paper to protect it. 她给花瓶裹上绵纸加以保护。
    More examples
  • Go and pack but don't hang around - we have to go in an hour.
  • If we pack this evening, we can leave first thing in the morning.
  • Don't forget to pack an overnight bag .
  • It could be cold and wet so pack some sensible clothes.
  • He had an old toy car that was still packed in its original box.
[ I usually + adv/prep, T ]聚集;挤进,塞满
to come or bring together in large numbers or to fill a space
Thousands of fans are packing into the stadium. 体育馆里挤满了数千名球迷。
Fans packed the stadium to watch the final game. 球迷们涌进体育馆观看决赛。
The people on the bus were packed (together) like sardines (= there were many of them very close together) . 公共汽车上的人挤得像沙丁鱼罐头似的。
    More examples
  • All the children's relatives and friends were packed into the tiny theatre.
  • We were all packed together in a small upstairs room.
  • Eager spectators packed the streets.
  • Anderson's supporters packed the courtroom.
  • Hundreds of angry demonstrators are continuing to pack the palace grounds.
[ I or T, usually + adv/prep ](把…)压实,(使堆积
to (cause to) form into a solid mass
The wind has packed the snow against the garage door. 风把雪吹到车库门口,积成了厚厚的一堆。
The snow has packed down tightly, making the streets dangerous to walk on. 雪积得很厚实,走在街上很容易出危险。
[ T ] US slang携带(尤指枪)
to carry something, especially a gun
to pack a gun 携带枪支
Each missile packs several warheads. 每一枚导弹都带有好几个弹头。
figurative This gun packs (= has) a lot of firepower. 这支枪火力很强。
pack a punchidiom informal 有巨大作用(或影响)
to have a lot of force or a great effect
His speech packed quite a punch. 他的演说铿锵有力。
These cocktails taste quite innocent, but they really pack a punch! 这些鸡尾酒喝起来觉得没什么,可实际上后劲非常大!
Phrasal verbs
pack something away 将…收拾起来放好
to put something into a bag or container, or to put something in the place where it is usually kept
Come on, children, it's time to pack away your toys. 好了,孩子们,该把你们的玩具收拾起来了。
to eat a lot of food
She's tiny but she can really pack away the biscuits. 她是个小不点儿,不过她的确能吃掉那些饼干。
pack something in 停止做…
to stop doing something
This course is really tough - sometimes I feeling like packing it all in. 这门课程太难了——有时候我都想放弃算了。
said to rudely tell someone to stop doing something that is annoying you
Pack it in, Julie - I'm trying to read. 别闹了,朱莉!我想看书。
pack someone in UK informal断绝(或终止)某人)的关系
to end your relationship with someone, or to stop meeting or spending time with them
"Is Emma still seeing Joe?" "No, she's packed him in." “埃玛还在和乔交往吗?”“没有,她已经和他断了。”
If an entertainment or exhibition packs people in, a large number of people come to see it.
Spielberg's new film is packing in the crowds. 斯皮尔伯格的新影片吸引了大批观众。
The latest computer exhibition is really packing them in. 最新的电脑展确实吸引了他们。
pack something/someone in 设法将(大量的事物、活动或人)安排在内
to manage to include a large number of things, activities, or people
We were only there four days but we packed a lot in. 我们在那儿只呆了4天时间,但我们设法安排了很多活动。
pack something into something 设法将(大量活动)安排在(一定时间)内
to manage to do a lot of activities in a limited period of time
We packed a lot of sightseeing into our weekend in New York. 我们把在纽约度过的周末安排得满满当当,游览了很多地方。
pack someone off 某人)打发走,撵走(某人
to send someone to another place
We've packed the kids off for the weekend. 我们把孩子们打发出去度周末。
I packed her off to my sister's. 我把她打发到我姐姐家去了。
pack something/somewhere out 把…挤满(或填满)
to make a place very full
Around 100,000 football fans packed out the stadium to see the game. 10万名足球迷挤到体育场来观看这场比赛。
pack up 机器)停止转动,出故障
If a machine packs up, it stops operating.
My camera has packed up. 我的相机出了毛病。
pack up (something) 停止工作,停止(做某事)
to stop working or doing another regular activity
She packed up her job, and went off to Australia. 她辞职去了澳大利亚。
[ + -ing verb ] It's time you packed up smoking. 该是你戒烟的时候了。
pack (something) upB2 收拾好东西
to collect all your things together when you have finished doing something
I'm about to pack up my things and go home. 我准备收拾东西回家。
noun [ C ] uk/pæk/ us/pæk/
B2 一批,一套,一组
a group, set, or collection of something
The information pack consists of a brochure and a map. 那套资料包括一本小册子和一张地图。
C2 (一同生活和/或猎食的)一群动物
a group of animals, such as dogs, that live and/or hunt together
a wolf pack 狼群
a pack of wild dogs 一群野狗
an organized group of children who are brownies or cubs
My uncle was the leader of my Cub pack. 我叔叔曾经是我所在的幼童军小队的队长。
(US also deck)一副纸牌
a set of playing cards
a pack of cards 一副纸牌
mainly disapproving(尤指行为不受人欢迎的)一伙人,一帮人
a group of similar people, especially one that contains people whose activities you do not approve of
a pack of thieves 一伙窃贼
A pack of journalists was waiting outside the White House. 一帮记者正在白宫外等候。
See also: gang
    More examples
  • The shop is giving away a sample pack to every customer.
  • Pick a card from the pack.
  • The girls wanted to join a Brownie pack .
  • The whole report is a pack of lies.
  • Those kids are a real pack of rogues.
mainly US一包
a small paper or cardboard container in which a number of small objects are sold
a pack of cigarettes/gum 一包香烟/口香糖
Compare: packetpackage
    More examples
  • a pack of writing paper
  • two packs of cookies
  • We polished off three six-packs watching the game.
  • Can you buy this type in a multi-pack?
  • You've used a whole pack of tissues.
(US also backpack)背包旅行背包
a type of bag that you usually carry on your back when you are travelling
a thick mass of a substance, often like clay, that is used as a beauty treatment for the face
a thick mass of cloth, etc. that can be put on an injury to stop any bleeding or swelling
Hold this ice pack to your head to stop the bruising. 把这个冰袋放在头上消肿。
See also: compress noun
a pack ratidiom US (收藏的东西都是自己不需要的)垃圾收藏家
someone who collects things that they do not need
For me there could be nothing worse than living with a pack rat. 对我来说,最讨厌的事情,就是和一个垃圾收藏家住在一起。
be ahead of the packidiom 成功领先出类拔萃
to be more successful than other people who are trying to achieve the same things as you
At this stage in the campaign, the Democratic candidate is way ahead of the pack. 在本次竞选活动的现阶段,民主党候选人遥遥领先。
suffix uk/ -pæk/ us/ -pæk/
used in combination with an amount to show that that many of a particular type of goods have been wrapped and are being sold together
a six-pack of beer 6罐装啤酒
a twin-pack of soap 两块装肥皂
a multi-pack of toilet paper 多卷装卫生纸




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