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单词 case
noun uk/keɪs/ us/keɪs/
B1 [ C ]具体情况实例
a particular situation or example of something
Over a hundred people were injured, in several cases seriously. 一百多人受了伤,有几个伤势严重。
Jobs are hard to find but in his case that's not the problem because he has so much experience. 工作很难找,可对他而言不成问题,因为他经验非常丰富。
I wouldn't normally agree but I'll make an exception in this case. 一般情况下我不会同意,不过这次我要破一回例。
The number of new cases of the illness appears to be declining. 这种病症的新发病例数量呈下降趋势。
We have lots of applications from people who want to study here and in each case we consider the candidate very carefully. 我们收到许多想来这儿学习的人的申请,对每个申请人的情况我们都予以认真考虑。
She was suffering from an extreme case of sunburn. 她被严重晒伤了。
in that caseB2 既然如此;如果是那样
because of the mentioned situation
There's no coffee left? In that case I'll have tea. 没咖啡了?既然如此,我就喝茶吧。
(not) the caseB1 )是那样,(是那么回事
(not) true
If that is the case then I will be very disappointed. 如果是那样的话,我会非常失望。
in any caseB2 而且再者
I don't want to go and in any case, I haven't been invited. 我不想去,再说,人家也没邀请我。
(just) in caseB1 以防万一
because of a possibility of something happening, being needed, etc.
I don't think I'll need any money but I'll bring some just in case. 我想我不会用到钱的,不过我还是要带一些以防万一。
Bring a map in case you get lost. 带张地图吧,以防迷路。
in the case of something/someone 关于…;在…情况下
in connection with someone or something, or in the situation of something
The law will apply equally to men and women except in the case of maternity leave. 除了产假方面,该法律对男女都同样适用。
a case of something …的情况
used when a situation is of a particular type
She doesn't want to work full-time, it's a case of having to. 她不想全日工作,可是不得不如此。
a case in point 佐证例证
an example that shows that what you are saying is true or helps to explain why you are saying it
Lack of communication causes serious problems and their marriage is a case in point. 缺乏交流会导致严重问题,他们的婚姻就是个明证。
as the case might be(also whatever the case might be) 无论是哪种情况
one of the stated possibilities that is true
When the election is called in April, or June, as the case might be, we shall be ready for it. 不管选举是在4月还是6月举行,我们都将做好准备。
    More examples
  • We don't usually accept late applications, but in this case we will make an exception.
  • The newspaper photo apparently showed him in Rome but it was a case of mistaken identity .
  • As is often the case with children, Amy was completely better by the time the doctor arrived.
  • He may possibly decide not to come, in which case there's no problem.
  • In special cases the manager will stretch the rules .
B2 [ C ]问题;案例,案子;病例
a problem, a series of events, or a person being dealt with by police, doctors, lawyers, etc.
Several social workers have looked into the child's case. 几名社会工作者已经调查了这个孩子的案例。
The detective on the case (= responsible for solving it) has been suspended from duty. 负责调查这个案子的侦探被停职了。
When he first went for treatment at the hospital he seemed to be a hopeless case (= a person who could not be cured). 他初到医院接受治疗时似乎已经没救了。
B2 [ C ]诉讼案;案件;官司
a matter to be decided by a judge in a law court
a murder case 谋杀案
The case will go before the European Court next month. 这个案子将于下月在欧洲法庭审理。
She accused her employer of unlawful dismissal and won/lost her case. 她起诉雇主非法解雇,结果赢/输了官司。
    More examples
  • He has been cited as the co-respondent in the divorce case.
  • The court's decision on this case will turn the clock back 50 years.
  • The lack of evidence means that the case is unlikely to go to court.
  • The jury took five days to deliberate on the case.
  • His lawyers have decided not to proceed with the case.
A2 [ C ]盒;箱;套
a container or box for storing things in
See also: bookcasebriefcasepencil casepillowcase
a box holding twelve or more bottles of wine or another type of drink, or the bottles and their contents
He bought his brother a case of wine for his birthday. 他给弟弟买了一箱酒作为生日礼物。
Can you get some more cola? The kids drank the whole case. 你再去买些可乐好吗?孩子们把一整箱都喝完了。
    More examples
  • I emptied the closet and put my belongings into the black overnight case.
  • "Can you lift this case?" "It depends on how heavy it is."
  • I've lashed your case to the roof rack.
  • The crown, decorated with diamonds and other precious stones, was exhibited in a special case.
  • She slammed her case down on the desk with a smack.
C2 [ S ]论点事实论据
arguments, facts, and reasons in support of or against something
There's a good case for/against bringing in new regulations. 支持/反对出台新章程的理由很充分。
The case against cigarette advertising is becoming stronger all the time. 一直以来,反对烟草广告的观点都越来越强烈。
She's very busy so don't overstate the case - just give her the facts. 她很忙,所以不要过多地陈述理由——只要告诉她基本要点就行了。
    More examples
  • The case against her was circumstantial.
  • You can argue the case either way.
  • The shareholders seem to think that the executive board is overstating the case for a merger.
  • They paid a high-powered attorney to plead their case .
  • Once again he tried to press his case for promotion.
[ C or U ] language specialized
any of the various types to which a noun can belong, according to the work it does in a sentence, shown in some languages by a special word ending
the accusative/dative case 宾/与格
be on the caseidiom informal 正在做需要做的事情,正在处理
to be doing what needs to be done in a particular situation
"We need to book a flight before it's too late." "Don't worry, I'm on the case." “我们需要及早预订好航班。”“别担心,我正在办理这件事。”
get off someone's caseidiom informal 停止对…持续的批评
to stop continuously criticizing someone for something they have done
I told him the problem had already been dealt with and he could get off my case. 我告诉他问题已经得到处理,并请他不要再揪着把柄不放。
get on someone's caseidiom informal 说三道四
to criticize someone in an annoying way for something they have done
I just don't want him getting on my case for being late for work. 我只是不希望他拿我的迟到来说三道四。
make a case for somethingidiom (UK also make out a case for something) 为…提供充分的理由
to argue that something is the best thing to do, giving your reasons
We will only publish a new edition if you can make a convincing case for it. 你能给出令人信服的理由我们才会出新版。
verb slang uk/keɪs/ us/keɪs/
case the joint (为日后行窃)探察,探路,踩点
to look at a place with the intention of stealing from it later
He looked around shiftily, as if he was casing the joint. 他鬼鬼祟祟地东张西望,似乎是在探察下手的地方。




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