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单词 slow
adjective uk/sləʊ/ us/sloʊ/
A1 慢的,缓慢的
moving, happening, or doing something without much speed
a slow runner/driver/reader 跑步慢的人/开车慢的人/看书慢的人
She's a very slow eater. 她吃饭很慢。
We're making slow but steady progress with the painting. 我们这幅画进度缓慢但很平稳。
The government was very slow to react to the problem. 政府对这一问题反应迟缓。
Business is always slow during those months because everyone's on holiday. 那几个月生意都很清淡,因为大家都在休假。
Opposites: fast (QUICK)quick
    More examples
  • Our progress has been fairly slow so far, but it's early days.
  • His movements were slow and awkward.
  • It was a painfully slow journey.
  • She's a very slow walker.
  • Terry was, as usual, slow to respond.
B2 (电影、书籍、戏剧等)情节拖沓的,索然无趣的
used to describe a film, book, play, etc. that does not have much excitement and action
His films are so slow they send me to sleep. 他那些电影情节拖沓,总让我昏昏欲睡。
A person might be described as slow if they are not very clever and do not understand or notice things quickly.
I feel so slow when I'm with Andrew - he's so much brighter than me. 和安德鲁在一起时,我感觉自己很迟钝——他比我聪明多了。
I was a bit slow on the uptake there - I didn't follow his reasoning at all. 我对这一点理解能力较差——完全没听懂他的推理。
See also: slow-witted
If a clock or watch is slow, it shows a time that is earlier than the real time.
That clock is ten minutes slow. 那个钟慢10分钟。
verb [ I or T ] uk/sləʊ/ us/sloʊ/
C2 使)减速;(使)放慢速度;(使减缓
to reduce speed or activity, or to make something do this
Business development has slowed in response to the recession. 因为经济不景气,企业发展减缓了速度。
Traffic slows to a crawl (= goes so slowly it almost stops) during rush hour. 高峰时期,车辆行驶速度跟蜗牛爬似的。
The pilot was asked to slow his approach to the runway. 飞行员被要求减速接近跑道。
    More examples
  • Manufacturing activity slowed for the fourth consecutive month in November.
  • Economic growth has slowed sharply in recent months.
  • Her illness has slowed her somewhat.
  • The economy has slowed enough for some analysts to predict a recession.
  • The early evening rush hour slowed my return to Richmond Road.
Phrasal verbs
slow (someone/something) down/upB2 使)减慢速度,(使慢下来
to become slower, or to make someone or something become slower
Slow down, you two, you're walking too fast! 慢一点,你们两个,你们走得太快了!
If I run with Christina she tends to slow me down. 如果我和克里斯蒂娜一起跑,她会拖慢我的速度。
We slowed up when we saw the police. 我们看见警察时,放慢了速度。
slow downB2 放慢,放松;松劲
to be less active and relax more
The doctor has told him to slow down or he'll have a heart attack. 医生告诫他要放慢生活节奏,否则会心脏病发作。
adverb uk/sləʊ/ us/sloʊ/
at a slow speed
I can't walk any slower. 我走得已经非常慢了。
slow-moving traffic 移动缓慢的车流
a slow-burning candle 燃得很慢的蜡烛
mainly US He drives too slow! 他开车太慢了!




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