noun uk/ˈprɒv.ɪns/ us/ˈprɑː.vɪns/
C2 [ C ]省
an area that is governed as part of a country or an empire
the Canadian province of Alberta 加拿大的阿尔伯特省
the provinces[ plural ] 外省,外地(指首都以外的地区)
the parts of a country that are not the capital city
- More examples
- The majority of people in the province are in favour of devolution.
- an autonomous province
someone's provinceformal (某人的兴趣或知识的)范围,领域;职责范围
a subject or activity of special interest, knowledge, or responsibility
Renaissance art is not really his province - he specializes in the modern period. 文艺复兴时期的艺术并不是他的研究领域——他的专业是现代艺术。
Marketing is within the province of the sales department. 市场营销属于销售部的职责范围。