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- 耳蝸
- 耳蠟
- 耳語
- 耳语
- 耳軟
- 耳软
- 耳边风
- 耳邊風
- 耳郭
- 耳釘
- 耳針
- 耳针
- 耳钉
- 耳闻
- 耳闻不如目见
- 耳闻目睹
- 耳飾
- 耳饰
- 耳髮
- 耳鬓厮磨
- 耳鬢廝磨
- 耳鳴
- 耳鸣
- 耳麥
- 耳麦
- come out of left field
- come out of something
- come out of the ark
- come out of the closet
- come out of the woodwork
- come out of your shell
- come out swinging
- come out swinging/fighting
- come out with something
- come over
- come over someone
- comer
- come rain or shine
- come round
- comestibles
- come/suffer under the lash
- comet
- come the raw prawn
- come the something
- come through
- come through
- come through (something)
- come through something
- come to
- come to a full stop
- “HBBI”是“Home Building Bancorp, Inc.”的缩写,意思是“家庭建筑银行公司”
- “HBAN”是“Huntington Bancshares, Inc.”的缩写,意思是“亨廷顿银行股份有限公司”
- “HAXS”是“Healthaxis, Inc.”的缩写,意思是“健康轴公司”
- “HAWK”是“Hawk Industries, Inc.”的缩写,意思是“霍克工业公司”
- “HAVNP”是“Haven Capital Trust II”的缩写,意思是“海文资本信托二”
- “HAVN”是“Haven Bancorp, Inc.”的缩写,意思是“海文银行股份有限公司”
- “HAVA”是“Harvard Industries, Inc.”的缩写,意思是“哈佛工业公司”
- “HAUS”是“Hauser, Inc.”的缩写,意思是“豪泽公司”
- “HAUP”是“Hauppage Digital, Inc.”的缩写,意思是“Hauppage Digital, Inc.”
- “HATH”是“Hathaway Corporation”的缩写,意思是“哈撒韦公司”
- “HAST”是“Hastings Entertainment, Inc.”的缩写,意思是“Hastings Entertainment, Inc.”
- “HARS”是“Harris Financial, Inc.”的缩写,意思是“Harris Financial, Inc.”
- “HARL”是“Harleysville Savings Finance”的缩写,意思是“Harleysville Savings Finance”
- “HARD”是“Novex Systems International”的缩写,意思是“诺维克斯系统国际公司”
- “HARB”是“Harbor Florida Bancshares”的缩写,意思是“佛罗里达港银行股份有限公司”
- “HAPY”是“Happiness Express, Inc.”的缩写,意思是“幸福快递公司”
- “HANX”是“Haas Neuveux & Company”的缩写,意思是“Haas Neuveux & Company”
- “HANS”是“Hansen Natural Corporation”的缩写,意思是“汉森自然公司”
- “HANLY”是“Hang Lung Development, LTD.”的缩写,意思是“恒隆发展有限公司”
- “HAMS”是“Smithfield Companies, Inc.”的缩写,意思是“史密斯菲尔德公司”
- “HAMP”是“Hampshire Group, LTD.”的缩写,意思是“汉普郡集团有限公司”
- “HAMM”是“Healthcare America, Inc.”的缩写,意思是“美国医疗保健公司”
- “HAME”是“Hanover Bank of Mechanicsville”的缩写,意思是“汉诺威机械银行”
- “HALL”是“Hallmark Capital Corporation”的缩写,意思是“Hallmark资本公司”
- “HAKI”是“Hall Kinion & Associates”的缩写,意思是“Hall Kinion & Associates”