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take a shine to someone take a spill take a stroll/trip/walk down memory lane take a/the fall for someone take a tumble
take a walk! take a walk takeaway take away takeaway
take a weight off your mind take care take care (of yourself) take care of yourself take centre stage
take coals to Newcastle takedown tie someone in knots tie (someone/something) down tie someone up
tie someone (up) in knots tie someone up in knots tie something down tie (something) in tie something in
tie (something) in with something tie something in with something tie something up tie the knot tie-up
tiff tiffin tiffin box tiffin carrier tiffin tin
tifo tiger tiger bread tiger mom tiger mother
tiger mum tight tight tight bend tighten
tighten something up tighten (something) up tighten something up tighten the net tighten the screws on someone
tighten up tighten your belt tight-fisted tight-fitting tight-lipped
tightly tightly knit tightness tightrope tightrope walker
tights tight turn tightwad tigress tigress
Tigris Tigris River tike tike tiki
tiki-taka tiki torch tikka TIL tilapia
tilde tile tiled tiler till
till tillable tillage tiller till kingdom come
till roll till the cows come home till/until kingdom come till/until the cows come home tilt
tilt at windmills tilt the balance tilt the balance tilt the balance/scales tilt the scales
timber timber timbre time -time
time and a half time-and-motion study time and tide wait for no man time bomb timebomb
time capsule time card time clock time-consuming timed-release
timed ticket time flies time frame timeframe time-frame
time hangs heavy time heals (all wounds) time-honored time-honoured time is money
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